Poster Presentation Guidelines: Visuals & Text

  1. Graphical Representation: Present numerical data using graphs to make trends more evident. If table-form is necessary, keep it simple.
  2. Visuals: Ensure visuals are simple and bold for clarity.
  3. Acronyms and Notations: Avoid the use of extensive acronyms and complex mathematical notations.
  4. Word Count:Aim for posters with 800 words or less to maintain readability.
  5. Organization: Organize your poster into clear subdivisions:
    • Introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
    • Literature Cited
    • Avoid excessive citations.
  6. Color Usage: Use bright colors to enhance detail and engagement.
  7. Text Readability: Ensure that text is readable from a distance of five feet.
  8. Content Beyond the Project: Include information about future research plans or questions in addition to your project.
  9. Poster Size: Each poster should be approximately 1×1 meter long.
  10. Visibility:The title, contents, and author’s information should be clearly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.

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